EMSR instrumentation and assembly for new construction
For the new construction of a propane deasphalting plant, gat was responsible for installation, cabling, connection and commissioning of the EI&C technology, trace heating and lighting.
Safe, stable, highly efficient operation – throughout the entire life cycle: In few areas are the demands as high as in the chemical and petrochemical industry. Extreme situations must also be detected at an early stage, thus ruling out harmful consequences for people and the environment.
We offer a wide range of experience and expertise in numerous areas of the chemical industry. For the benefit of your company's safety and productivity, our gat colleagues are therefore subject to continuous training obligations. This means that you can rely on maximum competence in all areas of your automation, including:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have:
Steffen Wöllner +49 (0)6196 / 5033-36 Steffen.Woellner(at)gatgmbh.de